The Hong Kong Polytechnic University – Finger Knitting as a Therapy
When thinking of knitting, many people may associate it with femininity and old-fashion. Nevertheless, it is now advocated as a method to cope with stressor negative mood by recent researches. Finger knitting, a form of knitting, is employed for therapeutic purpose since it has even more benefits than traditional knitting. As it requires no tool, except your hands, for knitting,it is a relative easy method to make knit piece and has no age constraint. It enables both mindfulness and mindlessness that people concentrate on their creation yet free from negative thinking. It also could be a creative medium and tool for self-expression and self-understanding, since it enables people to covey their unconscious thinking to forms. Apart from mental health, fingerknitting is an effective means of improving hand functions and muscle strengths,as simple hands and fingers’ functions are needed. This is particularly suitable for elderly to train up their hand movements and functions.
Currently, finger knitting workshops were carried out at elderly centers. Elderly who participated in the workshops were very satisfied and found the workshops helpful. They felt warm and happy with their creation. The workshops also enabled involvement and social connection that they found their value and confidence. As mentioned by a caring staff of the center, an elderly who suffered from severe dementia also could memorize the workshop and found it interesting. Hence, it is obvious that finger knitting therapy is an innovative method that may improve the mood of elderly and enhance their quality of life.