IAF is the world’s leading federation for apparel manufacturers, (SME) brands, their associations, and the supporting industry. IAF’s membership now includes apparel associations and companies from more than 40 countries, a membership that directly and indirectly represents over a hundred thousand companies and over 20 million employees.
We stand for:
- Cooperation between buyers and suppliers. IAF membership reflects this.
- Helping the industry become more knowledge intensive
- A global approach to global responsibility, focusing on improvements
- Harmonisation of legislation helping the industry to cut unnecessary costs
- Offering practical support to our members
- Being a truly global platform for networking and information exchange
Member Benefits
- We inform our members through several newsletters, including the general newsletter, the GR newsletter and the Legal newsletter (focusing on trade policy) and of course IAF Conventions, to which members have discounted access.
- Together with selections of its members, IAF is helping shape global vision for the industry in the fields of Global Responsibility, Education and Innovation
- IAF provides tailor made services to its members, with an emphasis on connecting members to the relevant networks and providing specific information
- IAF is developing specialized services, such as collective buying arrangements, access to market information and ‘members help members’ services for its member associations.
Membership types
IAF has different types of memberships for assocations, associated members, corporations and educational institutes. Please download more information on their respective benefits here:
To apply please download our registration form and send it to
Membership Dues (per annum)
- Membership Type
- Trade Associations (association member)
- Corporations (corporate member)
- Associate Members
- Education Members
- Price
- € 4000,-
- Based on turnover, please check the form for details.
- € 4000,-
- € 500,-