Asia –2007 convention logo - Taipei An Emerging Consumer Market from Global Production Base

Global trade of textiles and apparel has increased sharply, growing by approximately 50% from 1990 to 2004. Asian countries have been recognised as a key driving force. With the rapid growth of Asian markets, how to make use of business opportunities is more important than ever. IAF 2007 will focus on strategic topics related to the theme “Asia – from global production base to an emerging consumer market”.

1. Trade Liberalization vs. Barriers

Elimination of the quota system has brought increased trade liberalization. Retailers and their suppliers have already built up their global manufacturing network as well as logistic systems to aim at the new era of international textile and apparel trade opportunities. Enterprises from the East and West shall emphasize how to strengthen their business competitiveness rather than rely on quota protection as usual. However, some nations and regions have developed new trade barriers to restrict suppliers from other countries. Industrialists from both the supply and demand side are concerned whether it is a stable business environment for free trade or not.

2. Asia Market: Risks & Opportunities

Apparel makers from Asia are major suppliers to the global market, and have helped improve the Asian economy. Nowadays, more and more Asian countries present a good consumer market based on their consumers’ purchasing capability. New investors are taking an interest in Asian retailing, but business risks need to be well managed. One important issue is how to protect intellectual property. Of course, some successful cases of market development in Asia will also be presented.

3. Capacity Growth vs. Profitability

In the last decade, capacities of spinning, weaving and apparel making have grown a lot, especially in Asian countries. Business leaders in the apparel world worry about the issue of oversupply, which also results in price competition among suppliers everywhere around the world. Many retailers plan to relocate their sourcing bases. Many countries, therefore, are very concerned about job opportunities. Many suppliers try everything they can to keep their clients, even as their business profitability diminishes.

4. Technological Development and its Application to Production and Marketing

Technology development has had a huge impact on the apparel industry thanks to its application in such areas as management performance, product development, marketing and many others. It is no doubt a key determinant of the competitiveness of multinational companies. Come to IAF 2007 and find out how technology will impact your business as well as consumers’ daily lives.



Program and speakers

Keynote Speaker

Madame Marjorie Yang, Chairman, Esquel Group

Session I
Trade Liberalization vs. Barriers

Moderator: Mr. Jean-Pierre Lapalme, Counselor of Market Access Division, WTO

Mr. Kevin Burke, President American Apparel & Footwear Association, USA
Mr. William Lakin, Director General, Euratex
Mr. Rory Macmillan, Nike
Dr. Sheng-Chung Lin, Director of Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research (Taiwan WTO Center)

Session II
Asia Market: Risks & Opportunities

Moderator: Mr. Huang Chih-peng, Director General, Bureau of Foreign Trade, Taiwan

Mr. B.S. Nagesh, Managing Director, Shopper’s Stop (leading retailer in India)
Mr. Dominique Jacomet, Director General of the IFM (Institut Français de la Mode)
Mr. Eric Lin, Chairman, Les Enphants LTD
Representatives of Macy’s, USA*

Session III
Capacity Growth vs. Profitablity

Moderator: Dr. Herwig Strolz, Senior Advisor & former Secretary General of ITMF

Mr. Robin Anson, Director, Textiles Intelligence, UK
Mr. Justin Huang, Secretary General of TTF, Taiwan
Mr. Rahul Mehta, President, Clothing Manufacturers Association of India (CMAI)

Session IV
Technology Development and it’s Application to Production and Marketing

Moderator: Dr. Mike Fralix, CEO of TC2, USA

Dr. Chang Kyu Park, Director, I-fashion Technology Center, Korea
Mr. Matthew Man, Director, Schmidt Electronics Group
Mr. Dick Lockard and Mr. Chris Robins, The Big Space
Dr. Frank Chen, Director,Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute Union Chemical Laboratories