AMFI Amsterdam Fashion Institute Mauritskade 11, 1091 GC Amsterdam The Netherlands +31 20 592 5555 Amsterdam Bio BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology (BUFT) Nishatnagar, Turag, Dhaka - 1230 Bangladesh +880 58950986, +880 58950987 Bangladesh Bio Cape Peninsula University of Technology P.O. Box 1906, Bellville 7535, Capetown, South Africa +27 219596911 Cape Town Bio London College of Fashion 20 John Prince's St London W1G 0BJ, United Kingdom +44 20 7514 7400 London Bio Stichting Saxion Postbus 70.000, 7500 KB ENSCHEDE, The Netherlands 088-019 62 01 Enschede Bio TMO Fashion Business School Driebergsestraatweg 11, 3941 ZW Doorn, The Netherlands +31 (0)343 416480 Doorn Bio University of West Attica (UNIWA) Ag. Spyridonos Str., Egaleo, Postal Code 12243, Athens, Greece +30 210 5385100 Athens Bio