Global Apparel Sourcing Expo (GASE)
During the three-day conference program of the Global Apparel Sourcing Expo, the main challenges of the apparel and textile industry were addressed and discussed. Industry experts gave their insights and opinions on the topics of Sustainability & CSR post COVID-19, Shifts in Global Trade, and Digital Product Development as the New Normal. A selection of videos may be replayed here.

GASE: Guido Brackelsberg (Setlog)
You Cannot Improve (Save Money), What You Cannot Measure

GASE: Martin Semsch (Vizoo)
U3M – The Open Source 3D Material Format for the Apparel Industry

GASE: Azfar Hassan (Lulusar)
Lessons From 3D Digital Virtualization of Entire Collections at Lulusar – a Women’s Digital on Demand Brand

GASE: Ton Wiedenhoff (Alvanon)
The New 3D Fundamentals For Success In The Apparel Industry

GASE: Ram Sareen (Tukatech)
The Digital Disruption for Fashion

GASE: Andrés Fernández (Mango)
Going Digital in Product Creation – Main Hurdles

GASE: Julia K. Hughes (USFIA)
U.S. Perspectives on Sourcing Trends for Apparel

GASE: Christian Schindler (ITMF)
Investments in the Global Textile Industry - Yesterday and Tomorrow