Business Associations – Board of Directors Training

Times are changing. In various leading market countries, like the USA, Germany and France, as well as for all EU countries, legislations have been passed which mandates brands to conduct corporate sustainability due diligence (CSDD). In coming years, brands should improve their purchasing practices and include access to remedy and meaningful stakeholder engagement at its core.

The benefits of these due diligence legislations to manufacturers are currently not sufficiently understood, neither by brands nor by their suppliers. We see that often this legislation is portrayed as just another course on the extensive menu of compliances for manufacturers. But actually, this legislation should have the exact opposite effect, giving manufacturers solid legal ground to push back on misuse of buying power.

Of course, brands will ask for their suppliers’ support in meeting their CSDD obligations. Brands will ask their suppliers to perform due diligence on their raw material suppliers. But at the same time, brands are not allowed to simply shift the burden and the risk of compliance to their suppliers. The law demands that brands share risks and costs of compliance.

We strongly believe that the due diligence legislations are gamechangers. Understanding the implications of legislation like the CSDDD and CSRD, gives you a headstart and this applies to your own company, as well as to the national apparel industry that you represent as Member of the Board of Directors.

For this purpose, we invite you to attend the online training for the Board of Directors. This is a unique training that will explain in detail the relevant main elements of the key areas of the upcoming EU and potential US legislations and its practical benefits and opportunities for  manufacturers, for your own companies and for those of your association’s members.


  • BoD are convinced that CSDD is not just another compliance issue, but an opportunity for their members to address power imbalance.
  • As a concrete result we would like the associations to organize with FW , IAF/STTI, seminars for their members. So, this BoD training is also an opportunity to connect to the associations as partners in the organization of manufacturer seminars.


90 minutes of which 1 hour presentation and 30 minutes Q&A