Abit Launches Decarbonization League for Member Companies!
On September 5th, the Brazilian Textile and Apparel Industry Association – Abit launched the Decarbonization League, a sectoral movement that aims to raise awareness among companies about the climate change agenda and encourage the engagement and commitment of its members to this cause.
Organizations participating in the movement must measure their operational emissions using greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories based on the GHG Protocol standard and disclose this data by 2027.
Estimates suggest that the fashion value chain accounts for 2% to 8% of total global emissions, with a significant portion of these emissions coming from countries that rely on fossil fuel-based energy sources. However, Brazil has unique conditions that place it in a privileged position regarding global emissions due to the predominance of renewable energy in its energy matrix.
Currently, according to the National Energy Balance, 74,9% of the energy consumed by the Brazilian textile and apparel industry comes from renewable sources, with 67,5% coming from electricity and 7,4% from biomass. Natural gas accounts for 21% of the sector’s consumption. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate alternative options to replace it to reduce emissions.
Given the urgency of the climate agenda and the vulnerability of countries like Brazil to climate change, commitment to measuring and reducing emissions, even at reduced levels, is essential.
The launch of the Decarbonization League is a crucial step forward in advancing sustainable practices and underscores Brazil’s commitment to addressing climate change. By encouraging companies to measure and publish their emission inventories, this initiative aims to foster a culture of transparency and accountability in the textile and fashion industry.