Message from IHKIB on Cotton Business in the U.S. Apparel Supply Chain
Türkiye’s apparel industry excels in manufacturing garments from cotton and cotton-blended fabrics, thanks to its extensive expertise in cotton production and a rich cultural heritage. This profound knowledge of cotton results in garments that offer longevity, exceptional design, and comfort.
The Istanbul Apparel Exporters Association (IHKIB) is dedicated to advancing the cotton-based apparel sector through innovation and sustainability.
Today’s apparel industry extends beyond mere manufacturing; it involves a collaborative supply chain that embraces a partnership approach, focusing on innovation and sustainability.
IHKIB is now gearing up to introduce US buyers and brands to a project aimed at creating a digital supply chain tailored for US consumers. The industry is set to leverage its expertise by adopting a more modernized trade infrastructure through digitalization, focusing on trading garments made from cotton-blended organic fabrics.
The apparel industry in Türkiye is pleased with the extension of current trade and investment agreement (TIFA) with the USA, which is expected to significantly boost trade in cotton-based apparel. Signing a free trade agreement will pave the way for innovative business practices and foster new partnership opportunities.
In today’s global trade environment, Turkey’s apparel industry is emerging as a leading and reliable supplier, distinguished by its competitive attributes that align with sustainable, circular, and digital practices. From cotton to final apparel products, the Turkish apparel industry is eager to forge strong and enduring business relationships with US stakeholders.