IAF at OECD Forum

IAF and its partners in its global projects Sustainable Terms of Trade Initiative (STTI) and SCI (Standards Convergence Initiative) are active participants in the OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector that will happen online February 13 – 15 and in hybrid form in Paris on February 16 and 17.

On Monday February 13, from 09:00 am to 10:00 am CET,  IAF and ITMF will jointly give an online update on their work in the Standard Convergence Initiative (SCI). The SCI was set up by our organizations to keep pushing for a faster reduction for the audit and standard fatigue faced by garment manufacturers.
On Tuesday February 14, from 10:00 am to 11:10 am CET, IAF, through its STTI project, participates in an online session titled “Responsible Purchasing Practices: how can companies integrate them in their businesses? Learnings from the Common Framework for Responsible Purchasing Practices (CFRPP), the STTI White Paper and a community-based approach” This session explains how in practice better purchasing practices are currently being implemented. The session is organized by the MSI Working Group on Responsible Purchasing Practices and the Sustainable Terms of Trade Initiative (STTI).
Also on Tuesday February 14 from 16:00 pm to 17:00 pm CET, IAF (through STTI) and the Better Buying Institute (BBI) will jointly host an online session titled: “Commercial compliance – accelerating change, measuring progress.” In this session BBI and STTI will share findings of their data collection. Based on the data they will share what purchasing practice improvements suppliers want brands to prioritize. They will explain how data can show real purchasing practice progress in the form of true partnerships. And they will put the collection of data on commercial compliance/purchasing practices in a legislative context, making the link with mandatory due diligence.

Then on February 17, IAF is involved in two in person sessions at the OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector in Paris. First, IAF Secretary General Matthijs Crietee will speak in a panel taking place at 09:30 am to 11:00 am that is titled: “Implementing impactful due diligence: a practical perspective from Vietnam”. Later that day, from 2:30 to 4:00 pm CET, STTI spokesperson and BGMEA vice-president Miran Ali will speak in a panel called: “Due diligence costs  and responsibilities: Collaborative approaches to buyer supplier relationships”

All online sessions can be accessed by going to https://www.oecd-events.org/garment/sessions?searchtext=&page=2. You will find the agenda there featuring all online side sessions and by clicking on a particular session you will reach the ‘register’ buttons. Upon registration you will receive the link to join online. To attend the OECD Forum in Paris, you may register through https://www.oecd-events.org/garment either to attend in person or to follow it live online.