Valuing people is fundamental for companies to survive

Imagine a world where everyone is connected and society is adaptable. Now think about how data on purchases, preferences, personal information and the internet of things will all be connected to serve humanity. It is within these parameters that the Society 5.0 concept arose. Created in Japan, this concept is different from Industry 4.0 in that it makes humans the key factor in technological innovation. Obviously, with so many changes, people are scared of losing their jobs to robots or artificial intelligence solutions. However, the idea goes beyond seeking greater efficiency in factory processes, for instance.  But what, after all, is the role of the textile and apparel industry in the midst of such a large metamorphosis? Motivating its workers? Investing in attracting and retaining talent? Training and educating?

These and other issues will be debated during the International Abit Congress, now in its 3rd edition, being held October 17 and 18, at the WTC Events Center/Sheraton Sao Paulo. Following discussions on innovation, technology, Industry 4.0 and compliance, the 2018 event will be introducing the topic of “People: Transforming and Being Transformed in the Digital Age.” The context is filled with potential, since the industry employs over 1.5 million workers nationwide, bringing in revenues of approximately BRL 144 billion in 2017 alone.

“Abit understands that part of its mission is to contribute knowledge and promote quality information, not just for our members, but for the entire industry and society in general. This should be done in a way that allows decisions to be made based on solid data. The textile and apparel industry, recognized as one of the most strategic sectors in the national economy and is the fourth largest industry in the world, will therefore continue to innovate in an ethical and sustainable manner,” says Fernando Pimentel, Abit CEO.

The agenda for this Congress is related to the impacts of new technologies, especially on labor relations:  the role of the manager, industrial adaptations for a new reality, and more. Check out the program.


Take note:

2018 Abit International Congress
Date: October 17 and 18
Venue: WTC Events – Ballroom – Floor C
Av. das Nacoes Unidas, 12551 – Av. das Nacoes Unidas – Brooklin Novo, Sao Paulo – SP