The Most Innovative Company is Yeşim

Yeşim Textile was awarded ‘The Most Innovative Company’ at the ‘R&D Project Market Summit’ held in cooperation with Bursa Eskişehir Bilecik Development Agency and Uludağ Textile Exporters Association by Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Within the scope of the organization held at Bursa Technology Coordination and R & D Center, Harput Textile, Küçükçalık Textile, Martur, Korteks and Işıksoy Textile companies from a different sector was deemed worthy of the same award.

On behalf of the company, Yeşim Textile Production Director Kerim Bayram received the award from Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chairman İbrahim Burkay, Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Alinur Aktaş and Governor İzzetin Küçük. Karim Bayram emphasized that as a company they give great importance to R&D and innovation and included that they started to work more intensively for the last 15 years on this subject, hence this award they received is a counterpart to their work.