Origin Africa: excellent growth opportunities African fashion industry

The Origin Africa conference and fair was held in Mauritius on September 19th to 23rd. Organised by IAF member Actif Africa, it brought together visitors including buyers from all over the world and African manufacturers as well as government Ministers and high officials from African countries from all corners of the continent.

IAF Secretary General Matthijs Crietee moderated a panel discussion on certification featuring IAF member WRAP and gave a keynote speech. In his keynote speech he emphasised that there are excellent opportunities for the growth of the fashion industry in Africa. The apparel industry has recently switched more to an investment mode and in Africa this is reflected by investments from China, India, Turkey, Dubai in addition to Europe and the US. But Crietee also pointed out that the manufacturing industry in Africa must invest in more than production excellence. In order to fit into the current complex and demanding supply chains, it must educate its management in knowledge of the upstream (textiles) and downstream (retail) products and processes.